The Wonderful Team Member Readership Award


Again I can award for the third time.
Indeed very grateful to Kang Dalang Acep Apriliana that this award has been entrusted to me.

Once again thank you so much.

To accept this award, I have to follow some rules:

1.The Nominee of the Wonderful Team member Readership Award shall display the logo on his/her blog.
2.The Nominee shall nominate 14 readers they appreciate over a period of 7 days, all at once or little by little.
3.The Nominee shall name his/her Wonderful Team Member Readership Award nominees on a post or on posts during 7 days.

The following are the 14 nominations that I give this award :

1. Mas Ryan

2. Mba Masya

3. Mba Noni

4. Mba Larasati

5. Nabils

6. Dyaz

7. Mba Dhenok

8. Teh Wie

9. Mas Lambang

10. Mba Lieshadie

11. Mrs. Claire

12. Mas Ahsan

13. Kang Nanang

14. Mba Ely


–Cici Andriyani–

14 thoughts on “The Wonderful Team Member Readership Award

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